Nature Pic of the Day - 20090209 - Sea Lions Relaxing
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February 9, 2009: Sea Lions Relaxing
Sea lions on the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador.
Credit & Copyright: Vic Sofras from Athens, Greece
Sea Lions Relaxing: Vic Sofras of Athens, Greece captured this trio of sea lions relaxing on a beach in the Galapagos Islands, in Ecuador. The islands are the only native home of the long lived Galapagos Tortoise. These giant creatures can weigh more than 600 pounds and live to be 150 years old!

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2011-11-05 10:45:56
Aidan from Texas about 13years ago said:
What kind are they?
Aidan from Texas about 13years ago said:
This looks really sad... Their habitat is being destroyed...
Ann from Idaho about 16years ago said:
Let's hope so, Liane .... the alternative isn't such a happy thought.
liane from montana about 16years ago said:
Are they resting on the ice?
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