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Credit & Copyright: Nika Tsiklauri from Georgia (Caucasus) Burned Forest of Borjomi:"During the war between Russia and Georgia, in August 2008, the territory of Borjomi National Park was bombed by Russian aircraft several times, which caused a forest fire. This photo was shot a couple of months later, spots of new grass burst through the ashes."
m hussain from
pakistan about 15years ago said: po. box kalam
dubya from
a'Merica about 15years ago said: 5 Stars
dubya from
a'Merica about 15years ago said: Dear Adesanmi Niyi,
You are an idiot. War is a nessicity, it will alawys happen. So suck it up, grab a gun and defend your own damn country!
Adesanmi Niyi from
Nigeria about 16years ago said: No more war in the world!!!