Nature Pic of the Day - 20100211 - Just Chillin' Out
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February 11, 2010: Just Chillin' Out
Sea Otter, nature picture.
Credit & Copyright: Pam Wood from Santa Cruz, CA
Just Chillin' Out: "It must of been my lucky day for on this day I choose Moss Landing to shoot the sunset. When I arrived, I took a quick peek to see the otters that are always seen floating in groups in the water nearby. To my surprise, I saw several sunning themselves on the beach. To my amazement, they seemed completely oblivious to my presence and allowed me to photograph them.

I later found out that this is an extremely rare event as they are most often, if not always, seen in the sea. I even went back the next day to extend my lucky day only to find the tide back in and the otters back in the sea. So this goes to show you, you usually only have one chance, so don't blow it!"

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2010-02-11 15:05:09
Cian from Emerald Isle about 15years ago said:
Pet it!
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