Nature Pic of the Day - 20101021 - Buckeye
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October 21, 2010: Buckeye
buckeye, chestnut, horse chestnut.
Credit & Copyright: Jean W. Allen from Flat Rock, NC
Buckeye: "It’s a sure sign of fall when the burrs of the horse chestnut (commonly called “buckeye”) fall to the ground and burst open to reveal the shiny brown treasure inside."

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2020-10-11 19:47:27
Nate from NPOD HQ about 4years ago said:
thank you, Eve!
Eve from Uk about 4years ago said:
That is not a buckeye chestnut.this one is edible chestnut.buckeye isnt as spikey
Enrico from Italy about 14years ago said:
Bellissima. Anche da noi, in questo periodo, i boschi sono pieni di questo prezioso frutto. Ottima macro, grande Jean Allen.
Jean Allen from Flat Rock, NC,USA about 14years ago said:
Thank you both, Lynda and Laura. Having seen the quality of your work on this site, I consider that high praise indeed.
Lynda from Hertfordshire, England about 14years ago said:
Fabulous light. Nice shot.
Laura from Brasil about 14years ago said:
Wonderful photo......Beautiful nature......
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