Nature Pic of the Day - 20110409 - Um Pedaço do Meu Dia (A Piece of my Day)
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April 9, 2011: Um Pedaço do Meu Dia (A Piece of my Day)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Credit & Copyright: Marina Linhares from Niteroi (Rio de Janeiro), Brasil
Um Pedaço do Meu Dia (A Piece of my Day): Waves crash on the beach near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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2011-04-09 19:34:53
Laura from Brasil about 14years ago said:
Linda foto Marina,,,,,,
Kim Hansen from Norway about 14years ago said:
Nice picture Marina:) Why is there all this talk about cheating, its not like its a competision. Lets just coment on the pictures and behave like adults:) This was a great site and can still be one.
Jose C Guireli from Campinas Brasil about 14years ago said:
'Beautiful picture Marina as always.Now about the things I read here, I just cannot believe, if it is true, what a sadness
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