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August 26, 2011: Cat-faced Spider - Araneus gemmoides
Credit & Copyright: Richard A. Janushan from Las Vegas, Nevada Cat-faced Spider - Araneus gemmoides:" A lot of people who have seen the photo think it is a fake, but it is not. I was really taken back when I saw this spider. I had no idea that nature was capable of such an amazing subterfuge. It is a real mystery to me how the face of a big cat can be mimicked on a spider’s back; one hell of a defense mechanism against birds. This little spider tells me that we humans have so much more wondrous learning ahead of us, that nature has surprises for us beyond our wildest dreams."
They call me......Tim from
CAlberta Canadaalgary about 12years ago said: I have a couple of those living outside my backdoor right now.
shane owen from
alberta canada about 13years ago said: I just have one of that spider at home
shane owen from
alberta canada about 13years ago said: I just have one of that spider at home.
Lynn from
Alberta, Canada about 14years ago said: Very nice pic! I just happened to spot one of these in my backyard today, although not nearly as pretty as this one. After I ID'd it, I looked at more pictures which led me here. Well done!
Laura from
BRasil about 14years ago said: Spectacular spider and interesting informations.....Congratulations, Richard.
Larianna Janushan from
Georgia about 14years ago said: You always find the most awesome things to take pictures of! Love you Daddy!
Jean Allen from
Flat Rock, NC about 14years ago said: Thank you, Richard. You have not only given us something interesting to look at; you have also invited us to think more deeply about the wonders of nature. I like that.