Nature Pic of the Day - 20111105 - Fly and Flower!
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November 5, 2011: Fly and Flower!
Fly on a flower in British Columbia.
Credit & Copyright: Betty Reese from Cowichan Bay, BC, Canada
Fly and Flower!: "I live on Vancouver Island, BC & this flower started blooming again. They are an early spring flower, some continue to bloom all year, on & off. The little fly seemed very interested in it, wouldn't even shoo away when I nudged it with my finger! Just kept coming back! Maybe it's getting it's last food for the winter months to come."

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2011-11-05 17:10:17
Inge from Hamilton about 13years ago said:
Praise to a good and observant gardener.
Teresa from Ballarat about 13years ago said:
Considering that most of the photos on the site are taken by amateurs, this is one of the best I have seen. Well done Betty.
Laura from Brasil about 13years ago said:
A great photo , Betty! Beautiful!
sunsinger from Australia about 13years ago said:
A most excellent shot. The detail is amazing. Well done Betty. "The fly that could not get enough of nature's beauty."
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