Nature Pic of the Day - 20111212 - Mauve Autumn Crocus
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December 12, 2011: Mauve Autumn Crocus
Autumn crocus in British Columbia
Credit & Copyright: Betty Reese from Cowichan Bay, BC, Canada
Mauve Autumn Crocus: "The Autumn Crocus comes up in spring, all leaves, then dies back to nothing. Then, In autumn, you see a stem appear with no leaves, then this beautifull, delicate flower opens! Another marvel of nature!"

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2011-12-20 03:44:32
Betty from Canada about 13years ago said:
I am so pleased that you enjoy my photo.
Laura from Brasil about 13years ago said:
So delicate flower and give us Life.....Beautiful photo, Betty!
Christine from Australia about 13years ago said:
It takes a keen and artistic eye to see the beauty in the contrast between dry, dead leaves and radiant new blooming. Life and death. These flowers are also at home in Australia and are the rainbringers.
David from Maidstone UK about 13years ago said:
Lovely picture, so delicate
Inge from Hamilton, ON about 13years ago said:
I grew up in central Germany and there is a plant with the same habits [not crocus family]but a deeper purple and more slender growimg in the meadows. It is highly poisonous and used in the treatment of gout.
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