Nature Pic of the Day - 20111228 - Niagara Falls in November 2011
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December 28, 2011: Niagara Falls in November 2011
Niagara Falls
Credit & Copyright: Monte & Janet Spain from Lubbock, Texas
Niagara Falls in November 2011: The mighty Niagara Falls looks cold and fearsome on this cloudy day. It is fascinating how the water looks so deep, but you can see the bottom at the edge of the waterfall.

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2012-01-07 16:13:07
Laura from Brasil about 13years ago said:
This is a spectacular nature.....This is a wonderful place ....Great photo!
David from UK about 13years ago said:
Lovely shot, we were there many years ago in December, -6C with a wind chill as well !!
Christine from Australia about 13years ago said:
Yes, it might look "fearsome" on a cloudy, dull day, but take my word for it, you can still hear and feel the glorious thunder right in your heart.
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