Nature Pic of the Day - 20120105 - Southern Masked Weaver
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January 5, 2012: Southern Masked Weaver
Bird in flight in Africa
Credit & Copyright: Robin Ashfield from Petersfield, England
Southern Masked Weaver: "The male weaver builds the nest and when it is ready calls the female to inspect it. If she is happy with his work, they move in!"

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2012-01-11 14:45:17
Lynda from Hertfordshire, England about 13years ago said:
Lovely capture.
Laura from Brasil about 13years ago said:
Perfect moment here....Great photo, Robin. Happy New Year!
Christine from Australia about 13years ago said:
Beautiful Robin! It takes skill and patience to get a photo like that. The colours are a big bonus. :)
Jean Allen from Flat Rock, North Carolina,USA about 13years ago said:
Well done! It's not easy to catch a bird in flight. And you've added information about the how and why, which is a plus.
Betty from Canada about 13years ago said:
Super photo! Interesting life of birds, lucky lady! LOL!!
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