Nature Pic of the Day - 20120107 - Not Crop Circles
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January 7, 2012: Not Crop Circles
Ice circles on a pond in Canada
Credit & Copyright: Ingeborg Evans
Not Crop Circles: "In 27 years I have never seen a circular freezing pattern."

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2012-01-07 17:09:26
Robin from Ancaster about 13years ago said:
Great picture Inge.Ice circles are associated with thin ice, rotating influence of eddies but exactly how they are formed no-one so far knows even though they have been observed in the forming stages.
Laura from Brasil about 13years ago said:
Nature's show again.....Great photo Ingeborg....I never saw this!
Christine from Australia about 13years ago said:
A once in a blue moon capture on camera, perhaps once in a life-time. In my opinion, until somebody proves otherwise, they are the equivalent of crop circles. What elswe would they be?
Betty from Canada about 13years ago said:
Truly amazing Inge! Wonder if anyone will know the answer?? Thanks for sharing.
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