Nature Pic of the Day - 20120123 - Hopeful
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January 23, 2012: Hopeful
Larva in the grass
Credit & Copyright: Ali Nikooravin from Tehran, Iran
Hopeful: "[Taken a] few meters away from the Caspian sea, can you hear the waves?"

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2012-01-25 21:57:02
Laura from Brasil about 13years ago said:
Hello Ali ! This is a wonderful photo, showing us a spectacular nature's life.....I loved the green and I loved the moment...
Ali from Tehran about 13years ago said:
Yes Mira and also the dews in the shot :D
Mira from Canada about 13years ago said:
A beautiful close-up Ali. I can even see the sand grains of the beach. He was lucky you had a camera and not a hungry beak. ;)
Ali from Tehran about 13years ago said:
haha! You should have made that comment at least with some other name buddy! Now who's camouflaged? ;) Thanks Ali!
Ali from Tehran about 13years ago said:
he doesn't expect you to see him in camouflage. nice shot.
Ali from Tehran about 13years ago said:
That's one reason I named it "hopeful". Thanks for your comment Inge.
Inge from Canada about 13years ago said:
Yes I can hear the waves,but their music is made by butterfly wings.
Ali from Tehran about 13years ago said:
Thank you very much Christine! That exactly why I think nature is the language of heaven. :)
Christine from Australia about 13years ago said:
How delightful Ali! I can hear the rustling of the grass forest and I can feel the cool-silky softness of the caterpillar. To hear the waves I will have to close my eyes, or open my window to hear the ones of the Pacific. Great shot. :)
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