Nature Pic of the Day - 20120217 - Warming Up
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February 17, 2012: Warming Up
Butterfly observatory, Canada.
Credit & Copyright: Monte & Janet Spain from Lubbock, Texas
Warming Up: ...for a flight around a butterfly observatory in Canada.

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2012-02-17 18:18:29
Christine from Australia about 13years ago said:
Another lovely photo! At first I thought it was snowing. - Butterflies and flowers are so similar, aren't they? Delicate and graceful, they are an immeasurable delight to the human race.
Inge from Canada about 13years ago said:
Hiding in plain sight has never been more successful. At first, and second, glance there is no butterfly and suddenly it is the focus of a lovely picture.
Laura from Brasil about 13years ago said:
Beautiful! Like David, I didn't see the butterfly at the first moment.....
Ali from Tehran about 13years ago said:
A nice romantic butterfly, though I'm a bit worried about the speckled plants at the back. Thank you for sharing the photo.
David from Maidstone UK about 13years ago said:
Lovely photo, took me a while to see the butterfly !!
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