Nature Pic of the Day - 20120226 - Roadside Beauties
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February 26, 2012: Roadside Beauties
beautiful flowers.  Flower gardens.
Credit & Copyright: Christine Becker from British Columbia, Canada
Roadside Beauties: "Who, driving past, will notice these rain-kissed roadside beauties growing in masses along the highway?
They are not Australian wildflowers. They come from Taiwan and have escaped from gardens. Now actually considered a pest. Lovely though they are."

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2012-02-29 02:50:46
Betty from Canada about 13years ago said:
Aahhh! the purity of the white lily, & the heavenly scent! Lovely photo Christine.
Laura from Brasil about 13years ago said:
Hi Christine! These flowers are so beautiful...A great surprise in your way.....Lovely photo!
Christine from Australia about 13years ago said:
Thank you Inge, Sean and Mira. These flowers are lovely and I am pleased they found a spot on NPOD.
Sean Damon from Seattle about 13years ago said:
Gorgeous, Christine! Yes, we know all about invasive flora here in the US. It is interesting, however, to see how lovely a %u201Cpest%u201D can be when so well photographed.
Mira from Canada about 13years ago said:
Lovely flowers Christine. We have immigrant plants too, but who cares?
Inge from Canada about 13years ago said:
It must be a lovely sight along the highway. I am glad you are sharing this view with us.
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