Nature Pic of the Day - 20120227 - The Writer
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February 27, 2012: The Writer
Spider spinning a web
Credit & Copyright: Colorado Davis from Golovin, AK
The Writer: Spinning tales in Saluda Trail Middle (STEM) School's nature area.

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2012-02-29 02:53:18
Betty from Canada about 13years ago said:
Gorgeous colored markings! but I still don't like spiders, that much!!Their webs cach me in the face & get all hung up in my hair! Yuk!!
Laura from Brasil about 13years ago said:
Wow, This is a wonderful photo....
Jackson from Syracuse University about 13years ago said:
It would make my day to be bitten by this little guy, yellow spider man would be amazing. I would fly on my web from rainbow to rainbow.
Kim Bailey from Rock Hill about 13years ago said:
WOW!!! Beautiful!!
Ali from Tehran about 13years ago said:
Brilliant shot, she is a master of construction, she builds in couple of hours and she waits for more! Thank you Colorado.
Christine from Australia about 13years ago said:
Oh wow! She is beautiful, but I wouldn't want to shake hands with her. Nice photo. They always sit still, don't they?
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