Nature Pic of the Day - 20120317 - Heralds of Spring!
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March 17, 2012: Heralds of Spring!
winter aconites
Credit & Copyright: Betty Reese from Cowichan Bay, BC, Canada
Heralds of Spring!: "These lovely little yellow flowers bloom when it’s frosty or covered with snow, their cheery color brightens the day & says that spring is on it’s way!"

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2012-03-18 18:55:55
Laura from Brasil about 13years ago said:
Spectacular color ...So delicate flowers.....Beautiful , Betty!
Betty from Canada about 13years ago said:
Thank you all for your nice comments. They are all done now, making seed that I can scatter around the yard to brighten other shady spots.
Inge from Canada about 13years ago said:
A bright and cheerful yellow seems to be prevailing among spring flowers and these little beauties show it well. Lovely, Betty.
Ali from Tehran about 13years ago said:
Delicate and colorful.
David from Maidstone UK about 13years ago said:
A lovely picture Betty!! Keep them coming!!
Christine from Australia about 13years ago said:
How very lovely Betty. Even though I am not a photographer, I see the picture to be perfect in every way. Why not send it to a competition?
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