Nature Pic of the Day - 20121229 - Water Lily
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December 29, 2012: Water Lily
Water Lily in Canada
Credit & Copyright: Ingeborg Evans
Water Lily: Standing out in the crowd...

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2012-12-31 09:04:47
Ali from Tehran about 12years ago said:
colorful! and one could feel the serenity. Thank you Ingeborg.
Laura from Brasil about 12years ago said:
Wonderful colors, flower, photo.....So delicate, Inge. Thank you! : )
Betty from Canada about 12years ago said:
It looks so calm & peaceful, lovely colors! lovely photo!
Mira from India about 12years ago said:
That's a great shot Ingeborg. The colours are very pleasing and restful. Thank you.
Christine from Australia about 12years ago said:
Da bist du ja du schoene Seerose! Opening to the sun and to life, pink on a sea of blue with delicate green isles to rest. Lovely. :)
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