Nature Pic of the Day - 20130213 - By the Sea
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February 13, 2013: By the Sea
Tazmanian Beaches
Credit & Copyright: Judith M Brown from Sisters Beach, NW Tasmania
By the Sea: "Busy sea birds [near] Sisters Beach, Tasmania, Australia."

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2013-12-07 03:42:28
Judith from Tasmania about 11years ago said:
Sorry it's taken so long to answer your question Mira. The larger gull is a different type. It's called a Pacific Gull. Thank you for your comments.
Mira from India about 12years ago said:
Great picture Judith. Why is one of the gulls so big? Thanks for sharing.
Christine from NSW Australia about 12years ago said:
I agree with Ali. Very nice photograph. the reflections make the whole scene sparkle. Love those red legs and feet. Well don. :)
Ali from Tehran about 12years ago said:
Amazing contrasts and a beautiful moment! Thank you for sharing it.
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