Nature Pic of the Day - 20130303 - Brassica Oleracea
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March 3, 2013: Brassica Oleracea
Ornamental Cabbage in Canada
Credit & Copyright: Ingeborg Evans
Brassica Oleracea: "After the other flowers are gone these ornamental cabbages are a treat.They can withstand the early freezing snaps but not the hard frosts of our winters. And yes, they are edible."

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2013-03-23 09:59:19
Enrico from Italy about 12years ago said:
Un piacevolissimo angolo. Tanta cura e amore per la natura. Proprio carina questa foto
Laura from Brasil about 12years ago said:
Lovely colors...Nature gaves everything that we need...Great photo, Inge...: )
Betty from Canada about 12years ago said:
I'm hopping in there with you Christine! Another marvel of Nature, the pretty colors! Great photo Inge!
Christine from Australia about 12years ago said:
What lovely cabbages! And arranged in such a pleasing pattern on such a great photo. If I were a rabbit, I would absolutely adore them. :)
Ali from Tehran about 12years ago said:
They have planted so many of them in the nearby park of our neighborhood. Thanks for the info Ingeborg.
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