Nature Pic of the Day - 20130411 - Montemonaco Sunrise
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April 11, 2013: Montemonaco Sunrise
Sunrise in Italy
Credit & Copyright: Enrico Pighetti from Civitanova Marche
Montemonaco Sunrise: This incredible sunrise was seen at Montemonaco, Parco dei Sibillini, Regione Marche, Italy. It is worth getting up early for something this pretty!

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2013-08-02 02:42:24
Enrico from Italy about 12years ago said:
Le tue parole, Birdlegs, mi allietano e mi incoraggiano. Ti ringrazio molto e ti auguro un mondo di bene
Birdlegs from Fresno, CA about 12years ago said:
That is absolutely spectacular, Enrico! And, I totally agree about it being worth getting up early to see something this wonderful! Thank you for one of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever seen! May God bless you in all you do.
Enrico from Italy about 12years ago said:
Ali, Inge, Rob, Laura, Leah, Mira, Diana, grazie a voi per le vostre sempre gentili parole. Un affettuoso saluto a tutti dall'Italia. Enrico
Diana Leigh from Kent, WA USA about 12years ago said:
Even I would get out of bed to see that! Beautiful!
Mira from India about 12years ago said:
The glory of earth's natural beauty captured forever on an image.
Leah Greeley from Grover Beach, CA about 12years ago said:
Enrico, That is a beautiful photograph of a beautiful sunset. Thank you.
Laura from Brasil about 12years ago said:
Spectacular sky with delicate trees, Enrico ! I can imagine that it was a magic day too! Have a wonderful day, dear friend.... :)
rob barrett from minneapolis about 12years ago said:
I love seeing pics like this, the first time i log in. thanks
Inge from Canada about 12years ago said:
I am in awe of such beauty.
Ali from Tehran about 12years ago said:
When the creator colors the above waters, its called a 'watercolor', and that's truly amazing! Great SHOT Enrico!
Enrico from Italy about 12years ago said:
Sei molto gentile, Christine :-) Ti ringrazio. E' vero quello che scrive NPOD nel commento. E' proprio valsa la pena svegliarsi presto quella mattina (erano le 7:40 am del gennaio 4 2013)
Christine from Australia about 12years ago said:
Mi vedo seduto sotto quelle Enrico alberi. E'un mondo meraviglioso in cui viviamo e hai catturato un momento magico, in cui il sole ha baciato la terra e dato la sua benedizione. :)
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