Nature Pic of the Day - 20130608 - Emerging Puffball
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June 8, 2013: Emerging Puffball
Puffball in Australia
Credit & Copyright: Greg Rutter from Far North Queensland, Australia
Emerging Puffball: "Feeding from a nearby dead tree, this puffball fungus emerges, effortlessly casting aside the arid stony ground."

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2013-06-10 18:29:03
Laura from Brasil about 11years ago said:
Great photo here, Greg ! : )
Greg Rutter from Au about 11years ago said:
Thanks , all for your comments. Yes, Mira...the yellow/brown spore cloud covers quite an area when they burst.
Mira from India about 11years ago said:
Unusual, well spotted. Great observation and photo. Do they make yellow dust when they are mature???
Someone from Somewhere about 11years ago said:
What red soil! And the dry leaf has a special effect. Great shot there.
Ali from Tehran about 11years ago said:
wow, nice!
pam from sarasota, fl usa about 11years ago said:
Enrico from Italy about 11years ago said:
Non conoscevo questo tipo di fungo. Ottima ripresa dal valore anche documentaristico. Bella foto
Christine from Australia about 11years ago said:
Great photo Greg. The force of life beautifully depicted. :)
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