Nature Pic of the Day - 20130625 - Nine Banded Armadillo
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June 25, 2013: Nine Banded Armadillo
Armadillo in Armand Bayou Nature Center, Humble, TX
Credit & Copyright: Carolyn Pepper from Houston, TX
Nine Banded Armadillo: "The only reason this guy was out during the daylight was due to the severe drought and shortage of food supply. Normally they forage for food at night."

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2013-06-30 12:48:15
Carolyn from Texas about 12years ago said:
Armadillos are usually only active at night. However, we have had such a bad drought in Texas that they have to forage during the daylight to try to find enough food. Thanks for nice comments!
Enrico from Italy about 12years ago said:
Che simpatico musetto. Carino. Mi piace
Diana Leigh from Kent, WA USA about 12years ago said:
Such an interesting creature.
Laura from Brasil about 12years ago said:
Sorry, I hope that the sun do not hurt him! : )
Laura from Brasil about 12years ago said:
So beautiful Armadillo....I hope that the sun do not him! : )
jim from Nebraska about 12years ago said:
Good capture Carolyn!
Ali from Tehran about 12years ago said:
Wow! That's amazing! nice catch Carolyn!
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