Nature Pic of the Day - 20131216 - Splash
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December 16, 2013: Splash
Gorgeous waterfall in Argentina
Credit & Copyright: Jim Wickless from Lincoln, NE
Splash: "The ParanĂ¡ River cascades over the Argentine side of Iguazu falls."

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2013-12-18 04:52:29
Laura from Brasil about 11years ago said:
Jim,You described exactly the feeling. The nature of Iguacu is so beautiful with falls like we can see in your photo. Hugs!
Jim from Nebraska about 11years ago said:
Yes, the falls are so big and so numerous that they're impossible to capture in a single frame. And, as one moves farther away to try to capture the enormity, the intimacy with the falls is lost.
Jim from Nebraska about 11years ago said:
Yes, Laura, in fact, we took the helicopter ride over Garganta de Diablo.
Jim from Nebraska about 11years ago said:
Laura, this photo is from a few years ago when my younger son was living and working in Argentina. I visited often and one time his older brother and I crossed over to Foz do Iguacu to view the falls from the Brasilian side, a much more beautiful vantage point. Hugs to you :)
Laura from Brasil about 11years ago said:
There are many falls there....bigger than this one!Did you see them? Your special photo makes me remember them...Thank you!
Laura from Brasil about 11years ago said:
Jim ! How are you? I am seeing your photo in this moment....Were you in Brasil? Yes JIm, I know Foz do Iguacu city, In Parana State, the south region from my country. The falls there are wonderful and your photo is more beautiful yet!Did you know the city? Hugs dear friend ! : )
Diana Leigh from Kent, WA USA about 11years ago said:
Absolutely breathtaking!
Enrico from Italy about 11years ago said:
Scenario mozzafiato, Jim. Sei riuscito ad esaltare al meglio un luogo fantastico
Christine from Australia about 11years ago said:
I'll take both. The falls with the wonderful sound, as well as the view. :) I can hear it. And it's touching the place in my heart where I live.
Ali from Tehran about 11years ago said:
Immense & fantastic!
Jim from Nebraska about 11years ago said:
Laura, Im sure you've heard the saying about Iguassu, "Argentina has the falls, but Brasil has the view".
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