Nature Pic of the Day - 20140106 - Peace and Harmony
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January 6, 2014: Peace and Harmony
Gorgeous lighting on a Brazilian flower.
Credit & Copyright: LAURA BRUNO from BRASIL
Peace and Harmony: "Feliz Natal !!!!!!
Feliz Ano Novo !!!!!
Seja sempre muito feliz...( Be happy, always ! )..."

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2014-01-06 17:58:19
Jim from Nebraska about 11years ago said:
Beautiful photo, Laura. We often laud photos for being sharp in detail but this is the perfect case for softness. The light flowing through the petals combines to produce a "dreamy" effect. Really well done!
Diana Leigh from Kent, WA USA about 11years ago said:
I needed that! Thanks Laura!
Cynthia from U.S.A. about 11years ago said:
This brought a smile to my face on this rainy, gray day. Very peaceful and pretty.
Ali from Tehran about 11years ago said:
Lovely shot, thanks for sharing it Laura! : )
Christine from Australia about 11years ago said:
Happy New Year to you too dear Laura. And most of all peace. It can still be found in nature. Thank goodness for that.
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