Nature Pic of the Day - 20140122 - Overcast Day On Rialto Beach
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January 22, 2014: Overcast Day On Rialto Beach
Rialto Beach
Credit & Copyright: NPOD
Overcast Day On Rialto Beach: Even though the sud didn't come out, it was still a gorgeous day at Washington State's Rialto Beach, with tower conifer forests running right to the edge of the ocean, and waves endlessly tumbling the beach rocks into a roaring background noise.

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2014-01-24 20:46:09
Laura from Brasil about 11years ago said:
Beautiful and interesting....
Ali from Tehran about 11years ago said:
Great woods over there.
Betty from Canada about 11years ago said:
It's a beautiful picture! I love the sound of the rolling rocks! & I love looking at driftwood! It'd be the perfect place to be!
Gladys from Canada about 11years ago said:
I agree with Cynthia. I've been there and felt it. So very untouched
Jim from Nebraska about 11years ago said:
'Nice to see a classic "rule of thirds" composition. Well done.
Cynthia from U.S.A. about 11years ago said:
An ethereal moment.
Christine from Australia about 11years ago said:
That looks very peaceful and calming to me. But what is the "sud" please? A forest sprite? If you mean the sun, I love anything without the sun at the moment in this hot place.
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