Nature Pic of the Day - 20140213 - Redbud and Icebud
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February 13, 2014: Redbud and Icebud
Early blossoms getting covered in with ice.
Credit & Copyright: Jim Wickless from Lincoln, NE
Redbud and Icebud: "Nature's cruel surprise..."

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2014-02-13 22:35:01
Harsha from India about 11years ago said:
Nice shot.
jim from Nebraska about 11years ago said:
Thanks,dear friends. I love the philosophies of life that flow from these comments!
Calliope from Canada about 11years ago said:
Lovely. Yes, the flowers survive, and if not, the shrub simply grows new ones. :)
Mira from India about 11years ago said:
I see harmony and tolerance in your photo Jim, not cruelty. If people would get along like that, there would be no wars. Great shot.
Christine from Australia about 11years ago said:
Two forms of perfect, though contrasting life. Yet they have so much in common in their beauty and fragility. Like people. Jim, your lovely photo prompts one to philosophise and contemplate this fleeting life on earth. :)
Ali from Tehran about 11years ago said:
That's a high end picture, Jim! I Love the way you've captured the ice exposure here.
Cynthia from U.S.A. about 11years ago said:
Very beautiful. The tenacity of nature perfectly captured.
Laura from Brasil about 11years ago said:
These delicate flowers survive even in unbalanced weather conditions ...So sensitive photo, Jim.In Brazil, we are living in days of high temperatures and dry lot. Trees, plants and flowers and our little friends , struggle to survive without rain! Nature is sending a message to us, don't you think? Hugs, dear friend.
Betty from Canada about 11years ago said:
That's so pretty Jim! Yes, there are some wild storms happening, poor plants & flowers, but they survive!
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