Nature Pic of the Day - 20140215 - Snapping Turtle
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February 15, 2014: Snapping Turtle
Snapping turtle in PA
Credit & Copyright: Steve Bower, Jr from Albrightsville, Pa
Snapping Turtle: One of Pennsylvania's finest snapping turtles soaking up the sun near Albrightsville, PA.

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2014-02-17 16:15:59
Laura from Brasil about 11years ago said:
I love turtles and this wonderful friend is very special ! : )
Christine from Australia about 11years ago said:
He does look like a corpulent gent, doesn't he? And content in his skin. Do they really have such a powerful snap? Is it a myth that they can bite through a broom handle? I was told that when I lived in the U.S.
Jim from Nebraska about 11years ago said:
Wonderful creatures! As a child, they would sometimes wander into our yard and I would keep them as pets (until they wandered away). Great memories. Thanks!
Ali from Tehran about 11years ago said:
I used to have one in our garden. He was in love with lettuce and would 'run' to me every time I used to bring him some : )
Cynthia from U.S.A. about 11years ago said:
He or she looks very content!
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