Nature Pic of the Day - 20140319 - Berry Thief
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March 19, 2014: Berry Thief
Hungry Nebraskan bird getting a late winter berry
Credit & Copyright: Jim Wickless from Lincoln, NE
Berry Thief: "In the course of twenty minutes, a flock of ten Cedar Waxwings devoured all of the berries on this Flowering Crabapple tree, flew off, and were not seen again."

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2014-03-20 13:17:41
Laura from Brasil about 11years ago said:
Spectacular photo, Jim, like always. This bird is wonderful. The light, the colors, everything is very, very beautiful. Rich details, dear friend. I loved his eyes : )
Jim from Nebraska about 11years ago said:
Christine, Ali, Greg, Calliope, and Harsha, thank you all for your kind comments. I really do love photographing birds. It's always a challenge to get just enough DOF and to have enough light to be able to use a fast enough shutter speed to capture their quick movements. Christine, the greenish yellow swath of background is a white pine tree giving off a slightly yellow hue in the late afternoon sun.
Harsha from India about 11years ago said:
Nice photo.
Calliope from B.C. Canada about 11years ago said:
Berry thief? More like a grateful connoisseur of nature's rich bounty. - You love birds Jim, it's obvious. Maybe you are wearing a halo yourself??? :)
Greg from Australia about 11years ago said:
WOW!..that is all, just...WOW!
Ali from Tehran about 11years ago said:
Jim! We've run a search based on this piece of evidence. I can assure you that you already have 'captured' more of this lovely incident! : )
Christine from Australia about 11years ago said:
Whoever says that tropical birds look more colourful, is wearing the wrong glasses. That bird looks positively smug with such a rich harvest. What is your background Jim? It looks like a halo. :)
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