Nature Pic of the Day - 20140403 - Solitary Seagull at Sunrise
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April 3, 2014: Solitary Seagull at Sunrise
Seagull in Rhode Island on Narragansett Beach
Credit & Copyright: Suzy Heffernan from Wakefield, Rhode Island
Solitary Seagull at Sunrise: A lone seagull stops at Rhode Island's Narragansett Beach to enjoy a beautiful sunrise. Gorgeous mornings like this make you think the day is going to be great! How could it not?

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2014-04-04 11:32:10
Ali from Tehran about 11years ago said:
Aaaww! : ) What a picture Suzy! What colors, what reflections! Magic of creation tuned in!
Suzy from Rhode Island about 11years ago said:
The only thing that comes close to seeing the majesty of God in His creation is sharing it with those that appreciate the free beauty all around us! Your comments are an encouragement.
Calliope from Canada about 11years ago said:
To have the great peace of solitude, couched in this breath-giving scenery, must be a joyous experience of the highest order.
Greg from Australia about 11years ago said:
Lovely, Suzy. I can hear the waves, smell the salty air and feel a cool dawn breeze on my face. A stark contrast to where I am as I type this! Thank you for taking me somewhere special, even if only in my mind!
Laura from Brasil about 11years ago said:
rob barrett from minneapolis mn about 11years ago said:
sorry, that was supposed to be ahhh
rob barrett from minneapolis mn about 11years ago said:
Pat from RI about 11years ago said:
Another gorgeous reminder of God's creation!!
Christine from Australia about 11years ago said:
I agree with Betty. It's magic. I wonder what the seagull is thinking about? Gratitude for a new, fine day?
Betty from BC about 11years ago said:
That's a terrific photo Suzy! catching the seagull exactly in the spotlight of the rising sun on the sand! Wonderful!
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