Nature Pic of the Day - 20140425 - Maturity
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April 25, 2014: Maturity
Flower in the Alborz Mountains, Iran
Credit & Copyright: Ali Nikooravin from Tehran, Iran
Maturity: "This spring brought a pretty young thing that I stumbled upon in the mountains!"

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2014-04-26 02:15:49
Ali from Tehran about 11years ago said:
Laura, Jim, Christine, Karl and Harsha, thank you so much for your kind comments.
Harsha from India about 11years ago said:
Nice picture.
Karl from U.S.A. about 11years ago said:
All I can say: lovely.
Christine from Australia about 11years ago said:
A blossom like that is one of the most tender parts of creation. I agree with Jim. The mountains as well as the sea have a very strong spiritual calling. And when you have them both...your heart grows wings. :)
Jim from Nebraska about 11years ago said:
Yes, they do look like serious mountains, Ali.! Thank you, indeed, for the invitation. Several years ago I would have taken you up on it in an instant. I used to enjoy mountaineering (non-technical) a great deal but my old legs no longer have the stamina, Like the sea, the mountains possess a spiritual calling :-)
Laura from Brasil about 11years ago said:
Dear Ali, what a spectacular flower you showed to us! Unique ! Spectacular place that you have the privilege of living! Thank you and a great weekend, dear friend!
Ali from Tehran about 11years ago said:
Thank you very much, Jim! Yes I love climbing and they are very close! Every Friday (its a weekly holiday here) I take a one day climb of a route in Alborz mountain range, which is almost attached to the north of Tehran. Check this link for the picture that shows the respective location of the city and the mountain range: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alborz . Serious mountains we have here. Wanna join? : )
Jim from Nebraska about 11years ago said:
'Lovely shot, Ali! You managed to get the light coming through the blossom and kept the blue of the sky without blowing out highlights. That's really good technique! You seem to have an affinity for the mountains.Are they near your home?
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