Nature Pic of the Day - 20140501 - The Wolf and The Rabbit
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May 1, 2014: The Wolf and The Rabbit
Wolf tracking a rabbit in the Rocky Mountains of Montana
Credit & Copyright: Shaina Logan from Washington
The Wolf and The Rabbit: Which track came first, the wolf or the rabbit? I can't think of a reason that a rabbit would be tracking a wolf, so I bet that the rabbit passed this way, followed by the wolf. Notice the size of the wolf print, that is a glove laying next to it for comparison.

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2014-05-05 07:30:09
Laura from Brasil about 11years ago said:
I would like to think that they are walking in peace! ; )
Betty from BC about 11years ago said:
Interesting shot! I would say the rabbit is really running, while the wolf is just strolling behind. Probably a hungry wolf too, so no love in the air for them! :)
Calliope from Canada about 11years ago said:
Well....I think it was a rabbit mom chasing the big bad wolf. :) Nice shot.
Christine from Australia about 11years ago said:
Excellent conclusion Ali! They walked together, debating the peaceful intercommunication of species. Particularly that of man.
Ali from Tehran about 11years ago said:
OR they could have passed together since its all "love" in the air these days ;)
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