Nature Pic of the Day - 20140513 - On the Fence
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May 13, 2014: On the Fence
Opossum in Lincoln, Nebraska
Credit & Copyright: Jim Wickless from Lincoln, NE
On the Fence: "Though usually nocturnal, this Opossum had an early morning encounter with our Airedale."

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2014-05-15 06:40:57
Laura from Brasil about 11years ago said:
Great photo , Jim...the colors and the light are amazing. This Opossum is very beautiful with a delicate face.....and he is looking at You! ; )
Christine from Australia about 11years ago said:
Oh yes, I like him too. Oz. possums are soo much different, but if given the chance they will eat from your hand in suburbia. When I first came to Oz. I was so beguiled, I climbed up to the gutter and had a possum take a piece of apple from my mouth.
Jim from Nebraska about 11years ago said:
Thanks, Betty! Yes, both escaped without injury. Airedales were bred to "rid the English manor of vermin" so Sadie figured it was her job to go for the opossum. Fortunately, the fence was too high for Sadie to scale :-)
Betty from BC about 11years ago said:
Great shot Jim! good thing you were there to catch that, hope they were both OK.
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