Nature Pic of the Day - 20140808 - Courage
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August 8, 2014: Courage
Red Brazillian flowers
Credit & Copyright: LAURA BRUNO from BRASIL
Courage: "To think differently..."

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2014-08-08 23:12:12
Calliope from B.C. Canada about 10years ago said:
Great photo Laura. Thanks. And hugs to you too.
Laura from Brasil about 10years ago said:
Dear Christine, Jim and Enrico , This beautiful and brave flower deserves your kind words...Hugs !': )
Enrico from Italy about 10years ago said:
Un intenso colore che accarezza l'anima. Gran bell'immagine, Laura. Complimenti
Jim from Nebraska about 10years ago said:
'Very thought provoking, Laura, as so many of your photos are. The abstraction of the composition is a clear persuasion to view the world from different points of view. Well done!
Christine from Australia about 10years ago said:
Thank you Laura, for a lovely photograph in shades of red. I like the way the light creates such delicate transparency of the petals. We all need light to grow and shine. :)
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