Nature Pic of the Day - 20140818 - Evidence That Mistakes Can Be Corrected
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August 18, 2014: Evidence That Mistakes Can Be Corrected
Trumpeter Swans in Michigan
Credit & Copyright: Maurice Bolduc from Michigan
Evidence That Mistakes Can Be Corrected: "In the mid to late 1800’s whole sale harvesting of Swans were for it’s feathers to decorate hats. By 1900, Trumpeter Swans were extirpated from the north central and north eastern US. In the 1990’s there was an establishment of 44 trumpeter swans from Alaska in the Seney wildlife refuge in Germfask, MI. Today it can safely boast of having over 300 mating pairs within the refuge, with the birds now expanding beyond the refuge’s boundaries."

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2014-08-21 17:48:21
Laura from Brasil about 11years ago said:
So beautiful Swans ... Good news about them...Thank you, Maurice! Hugs from Brasil!
Betty from BC about 11years ago said:
That's wonderful news, saving the majestic Trumpeter Swan.
Enrico from Italy about 11years ago said:
E speriamo che si espandano sempre di piu' e che certi errori non debbano ripetersi. Bella testimonianza
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