Nature Pic of the Day - 20140908 - Morning Glow
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September 8, 2014: Morning Glow
Flower garden in Lincoln, Nebraska
Credit & Copyright: Jim Wickless from Lincoln, NE
Morning Glow: "A stream of sunlight embraces Mimi's enchanted garden."

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2014-09-09 07:59:20
Laura from Brasil about 11years ago said:
What a blessed garden to stay and to take care, Dear Jim... We can see a delicate work and a very sensitive view. Thank you. This is spectacular... ; )
Someone from Somewhere about 11years ago said:
What a blessed garden to stay and to take care, Dear Jim... We can see a delicate work and a very sensitive view. Thank you. This is spectacular ... ; )
Harsha from India about 11years ago said:
Beautiful combination of colors, back light and everything. Great capture.
Jim from Nebraska about 11years ago said:
Thank you dear friends for those kindest of comments. Mimi is my magical bride of 25 years. The filamentous plant is fennel, Christine. Mimi plants it to attract swallowtail butterflies which lay their eggs thereupon. Unfortunately, the young caterpillars are easy prey for attentive birds, but such is the cycle of nature.
Karl from N.Y. USA about 11years ago said:
Great shot Jim! Beats sitting in concrete and brick any day. One is grateful for the nature that is still there for us albeit viewed on the computer.
Enrico from Italy about 11years ago said:
Dall'icona, ancor prima di ingrandirla, si capiva che era una gran foto. Bellissima, Jim. Con quel raggio di sole perfettamente colto ci fai entrare in paradiso. Capolavoro
Calliope from B.C. Canada about 11years ago said:
One of the best. It looks ethereal. Thank you Jim, for sending it to NPOD to be viewed by the many. It deserves more than lots of comments.
Christine from Australia about 11years ago said:
Whoever Mimi is, she is a blessed being to live in such an enchanted garden. And you my friend, are a true artist with the camera. Is that horsetail behind the lily? I wish I was a butterfly...:)
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