Nature Pic of the Day - 20140914 - A Quiet Morning at Capanna Ghezzi
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September 14, 2014: A Quiet Morning at Capanna Ghezzi
Horse grazing in Italy
Credit & Copyright: Enrico Pighetti from Civitanova Marche
A Quiet Morning at Capanna Ghezzi: "The sun rises in a place where it seems that time has stopped."

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2014-09-15 13:27:23
Enrico from Italy about 10years ago said:
Dal mio piccolo ufficio in un attimo in contatto con il mondo. Questa situazione mi piace molto e sono contento di leggere gli affettuosi commenti di persone lontane ma in questo istante molto vicine. Un abbraccio a tutti voi, Christine, Karl, Jim, Betty, Laura. Le vostre gentili parole mi fanno felice
Laura from Brasil about 10years ago said:
Dear Enrico, this is a spectacular view, a great photo...I can feel Peace and Happiness.... A masterpiece .... Nature is so beautiful and I have to say Thank You for showing this moment with us : ) Hugs and Congratulations ....
Betty from BC about 10years ago said:
I agree with the others, just a beautiful picture in every way!
Jim from Nebraska about 10years ago said:
Brilliant shot, Enrico! As always, you manage a wide dynamic range perfectly. I love the composition. This is one of my favorites among your many beautiful images. Bravo!!
Karl from N.Y. USA about 10years ago said:
Congratulations Enrico. That is a shot in a million. It conveys peace, away from this busy world.
Christine from Australia about 10years ago said:
E 'troppo bella per esprimere a parole. Pure serenita. Ahhhhh! Thank you for this gift.
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