Nature Pic of the Day - 20140915 - Spiderman
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September 15, 2014: Spiderman
Nuthatch in Nebraska
Credit & Copyright: Jim Wickless from Lincoln, NE
Spiderman: "Nuthatches forage up, down, upside down, and sideways on tree limbs and trunks as if they had glue on their 'feet'."

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2014-09-17 02:50:45
Betty from BC about 10years ago said:
Wonderful shot of the little sweetheart! We have them come to the raw Peanut feeder, always a welcome sight!
Jim from Nebraska about 10years ago said:
Christine, Laura, Enrico, and Calliope, you always have such kind things to say. I really appreciate your comments. This photo was a submission six months ago and I had completely forgotten about it until I received an email indicating that it was going to be shown, I really wanted to capture the Nuthatch walking upside down (which they often do) but, predictably, the light was never right , being in the shadow of the branch.
Calliope from B.C. Canada about 10years ago said:
Hello little, perfect bird. This is for all the many who looked at you and did not leave a comment. But you brought them joy. You see, we live in a happy computer clicker society. They click and look and click...ad infinitum. But that does not mean they did not see you and smile. :)
Enrico from Italy about 10years ago said:
Un altro dei colpi da maestro ai quali ci hai abituato, Jim. Resto sempre ammaliato da questi scatti di spessore qualitativo, nitidi, perfetti. E l'attimo che hai saputo cogliere va premiato anche per l'impeccabile equlibrio degli elementi che lo compongono. Sei un grande, Jim. Complimenti sinceri
Laura from Brasil about 10years ago said:
Wow!!! Welcome dear little and beautiful friend! Always a wonderful moment captured by Jim, a great photographer... I loved you everything in this photo and I am smiling too with the text ; ) Thank you ! Jim , your photo brightened my Monday ! Hugs...
Christine from Australia about 10years ago said:
Our bird whisperer is back! Love the bird, the colours, the tree, the whole bit. Really makes me smile Jim. You touch something special in a person. :) and I will leave all the technical praise to the others who are in the know.
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