Nature Pic of the Day - 20140927 - The Fluff-Balls of Capanna Ghezzi
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September 27, 2014: The Fluff-Balls of Capanna Ghezzi
Puppies in Italy
Credit & Copyright: Enrico Pighetti from Civitanova Marche
The Fluff-Balls of Capanna Ghezzi: A litter of shepherds from Abruzzo huddle together to stay warm in the morning dew of Capanna Ghezzi.

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2014-09-30 21:19:48
Laura from Brasil about 10years ago said:
:-) They are so lovely.... Beautiful moment here, Enrico.... Quanta tenerezza !
Enrico from Italy about 10years ago said:
Christine, Betty, vi ringrazio per il commento. Sono tanto dolci e viene proprio voglia di coccolarli. Magari avere una bacchetta magica, Christine. Spero tuttavia che tu possa venire in Italia per coccolarli a Capanna Ghezzi :-)
Betty from BC about 10years ago said:
Awww! we all love puppies, so sweet!
Christine from Australia about 10years ago said:
Do you have a magic wand Enrico, which would allow me to jump into your photo and cuddle them??? :)
Enrico from Italy about 10years ago said:
Ciao Jim :-) Quelle punte nere sono dovute alla rugiada che bagna il pelo candido. Una volta asciugati, scompaiono. Poi, quando diventano adulti, conservano un pelo molto folto, del colore della panna
Jim from Nebraska about 10years ago said:
I want one! Beautiful crisp shot, Enrico. Do the black tips on their fur disappear as they mature?
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