Nature Pic of the Day - 20141018 - Staring!
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October 18, 2014: Staring!
Hike in the Alborz Mountains, Iran
Credit & Copyright: Ali Nikooravin from Tehran, Iran
Staring!: "That's what I do when I just wander in high places!"

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2014-10-20 19:07:43
Laura from Brasil about 10years ago said:
Dear Ali, Thank you very much for showing us these wonderful places.... With your photos, I have the opportunity to see places I've never been of Nature : ) Hugs from Brasil !
Ali from Tehran about 10years ago said:
Thank you for the very nice complement : )
Christine from Australia about 10years ago said:
The delicate patches of green and the lively stream, make it come to vibrant life. I am sure the earth loves feeling your feet walking upon her.
Ali from Tehran about 10years ago said:
Thank you Jim : )
Jim from Nebraska about 10years ago said:
I love your mountain shots, Ali, perfectly composed with a great leading line. Great job!
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