Nature Pic of the Day - 20150824 - Caribou
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August 24, 2015: Caribou
Caribou near Eatonville, Washington
Credit & Copyright: Diana Leigh from Kent, WA
Caribou: "So what's the difference between a caribou and a reindeer? Why, reindeer can fly of course!"

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2015-08-29 19:19:07
Laura from Brasil about 10years ago said:
Wonderful photo, Diana! Welcome back : )
Sam Greeley from Brooklin, Maine about 10years ago said:
stunning, beautiful, wonderful! What a talented and skillful photographer! Bravo!
Leah Greeley from Grover Beach, CA about 10years ago said:
Absolutely stunning photo, Diana. You are a great photographer.
Jim from Nebraska about 10years ago said:
'Lovely scene and nice shot. It's great to see your images again, Diana.
Irene from Florida about 10years ago said:
Very peaceful
Robin from Burbank about 10years ago said:
Wish I could say nice goose and moose. You captured a wonderful scene here.
Donna from Cocoa about 10years ago said:
How did you get so close to get that pic? Amazing.
dennis from camarillo,ca about 10years ago said:
why are there caribou in Washington??? dad
Renee from Nazareth about 10years ago said:
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