Nature Pic of the Day - 20160905 - Disappointed Royal
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September 5, 2016: Disappointed Royal
King Parrot in Australia
Credit & Copyright: Christine Becker from British Columbia, Canada
Disappointed Royal: "A rarely seen King Parrot came looking at my door for some seeds...and I had nothing to offer!"

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2016-09-06 09:54:45
Laura from BRasil about 9years ago said:
Really a great photo......Wonderful bird, Dear Christine : )
Inge from Somewhere about 9years ago said:
A real WOW, and aptly named.
Poppyseed from Ontario about 9years ago said:
Where else can we find magnificense like this butt in nature. Birds know where their friends live and you are their friend Christine.
Renee from Nazareth about 9years ago said:
Wow! What an amazing shot! What an amazing bird!
Kathy from Detroit, Michigan about 9years ago said:
Wow! What a beautiful bird & a great shot, Christine! You must feel very special knowing the "King" chose YOU to visit! ;)
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