Nature Pic of the Day - 20170317 - Farewell Azure Window
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March 17, 2017: Farewell Azure Window
Azure Window still standing in Malta
Credit & Copyright: Emoke Denes from London, UK
Farewell Azure Window: "The Azure Window, also known as the Dwejra Window, was a 28-metre-tall limestone natural arch on the island of Gozo in Malta. It collapsed into the sea over the night of 7th of March. The local folk are devastated, they lost one of their national treasures."

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2017-03-17 10:16:32
Poppyseed from Ontario about 8years ago said:
It looked so solid. Nothing is forever I guess. Great to have captured this memory of nature Emoke. Thank you for sharing.
Betsy from Barboursville VA about 8years ago said:
Thankyou for preserving it on film. The Earth is always changing, not always for the best.
David from Maidstone UK about 8years ago said:
Great picture . A Sad loss to all, saw it quite a few times, has family connections.
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