Nature Pic of the Day - 20170511 - Mountain Laurel
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May 11, 2017: Mountain Laurel
Mountain Laurel in Barboursville, VA
Credit & Copyright: Anonymouse
Mountain Laurel: "Mountain Laurel is usually found in the mountains of Appalachia. After heavy Spring rains, I was delighted to identify one blooming next to my driveway."

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2017-05-11 19:51:52
EF Grant from Somewhere about 8years ago said:
I remember these from coastal CT where I grew up-- never realising that they are super poisonous if eaten.
Betsy from Barboursville VA about 8years ago said:
It's a shrub. Thanks!
Poppyseed from Ontario about 8years ago said:
So beautiful Betsy. It looks like porceline. Is it a shrub or small plants? We deserve some too as we had a lot of rain here. Peace to you.
Jim from Nebraska about 8years ago said:
Very pretty!
rob barrett from minneapolis about 8years ago said:
That is super cool.
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