Nature Pic of the Day - 20170809 - Desert Storm
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August 9, 2017: Desert Storm
Lighting storm in Saguaro National Park, Tucson Arizona
Credit & Copyright: Jim Wickless from Lincoln, NE
Desert Storm: "Lightning strikes (faintly) as a thunderstorm moves over the desert southwest."

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2017-08-10 00:02:26
Nate from NPOD HQ about 7years ago said:
It's great Jim, really incredible!
Jim from Nebraska about 7years ago said:
Rob, I was on a 'Monsoon workshop' in Tucson AZ where predictably there are heavy thunderstorms between the middle of July and the middle of August every year. The workshop leader/pro is an experienced storm chaser and we chased storms for three afternoons and evenings, capturing lightning in a variety of locations. Watching the movement of this thunderstorm, he positioned us in this location and we took between 20 and 30 shots of lightning strikes over 50 minutes, all within (or nearly so) this frame. This was the best and most 'photogenic' of the strikes. As well as this one turned out, I came home with only 4 keepers for the three days and nights. I'm glad you like it :-)
rob barrett from minneapolis about 7years ago said:
Jim, if this was anyone but you, I would swear it was photoshopped. It's just too perfect. Great shot. How did you do it?
Christine from BC about 7years ago said:
The eerie silence before the storm. Let the rains fall. In BC too please. Awesome moment, when one wants to hold one's breath.
Laura from Brasil about 7years ago said:
It is really a great spectacular from Nature,,,, And you are there, Dear Jim...Wonderful moment!
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