Nature Pic of the Day - 20171022 - Someone's Been Busy in the Night
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October 22, 2017: Someone's Been Busy in the Night
Webs in Pennsylvania
Credit & Copyright: Renée Adele Vargo-Hoyle from Nazareth, Pennsylvania, USA
Someone's Been Busy in the Night: "Morning light reveals the pattern work of some busy insects!"

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2017-10-22 23:12:23
C hristine from Somewhere about 7years ago said:
This is becoming very interesting. Dollar spot is a grass/lawn disease, but this looks more like a hedge???
Jim from Nebraska about 7years ago said:
More than likely, dollar spot fungus, Renee.
Christine from BC about 7years ago said:
Little hatchling spiders weaving their own first webs before flying off into the never never on a silken thread??? :)
Seetpea from Sacramento about 7years ago said:
Spider webs! :) Those often occur in masses in the fall on lawns.
Renee from Nazareth about 7years ago said:
Rob, I%u2019m assuming so...but that%u2019s why I stated %u201Cinsects%u201D because I%u2019m really not sure! They felt like a web in consistency, but did not have a web-like pattern.
rob barrett from Minneapolis about 7years ago said:
Renee, are those spider webs?
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