Nature Pic of the Day - 20171118 - "Autumn Carpet"
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November 18, 2017: "Autumn Carpet"
Leaves on the ground
Credit & Copyright: Leo Keane from Whitefish, Montana
"Autumn Carpet": A colorful layer of leaves lends a little color to the ground before the snow will turn it all white.

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2017-11-19 10:38:23
Someone from Somewhere about 7years ago said:
Yes Jim, the Bulldog is going strong.
Jim from Nebraska about 7years ago said:
Leo, is the Bulldog Saloon still in business?I remember having a great burger there many years ago.
Christine from BC about 7years ago said:
I absolutely agree with Poppyseed. Please, let's leave the glory where Nature paints it, for she is infinitely more creative than the human species.
Poppyseed from Ontario. about 7years ago said:
Marvellous Leo. I never understood why people rake leaves.
Jim from Nebraska about 7years ago said:
Beautifully composed, Leo. Excellent!!
Betsy from Virginia about 7years ago said:
No Oriental carpet compares to this. We'll done.
Sweetpea from Sacramento about 7years ago said:
Oh! I like that. The glory of autumn. If you sit on the rock for a bit and listen, you can hear the tree weaving its green-lacy gown of Spring. The wondrous seasons telling their story.of
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