Nature Pic of the Day - 20180106 - Love
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January 6, 2018: Love
Beautiful flower in Brazil
Credit & Copyright: LAURA BRUNO from BRASIL
Love: "...and choose good words."

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2018-01-08 21:01:52
Laura from Brasil about 7years ago said:
Renee, Jim , Christine, Sweetpea and Greg...This delicate flower is happy with your kind comments : ) Dear Christine, I don t know the right name of this flower. I was in a botanical garden . I will try to discovery ! Hugs from Brasil ; )
Greg from Au about 7years ago said:
Christine, that would be of the ginger family Nice shot, Laura.
Sweetpea from Sacramento about 7years ago said:
Beautiful photographs are the love words of photographers. :)
Christine from BC about 7years ago said:
Ice cream, flowers, owls, sunshine...and an entire cornucopia of wonderful things to love. Have some for yourself too.! :) Is it a protea relative???
Jim from Nebraska about 7years ago said:
Lovely, Laura! It looks like a strawberry (my favorite flavor) ice cream cone.
Renee from PA about 7years ago said:
Love the lighting!!
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