Nature Pic of the Day - 20180929 - Pouch Battle
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September 29, 2018: Pouch Battle
Camden Haven, New South Wales, Australia
Credit & Copyright: Peter Stokes from Melbourne, Australia
Pouch Battle: "I want what you have in your pouch, and I want it NOW!"

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2018-10-15 00:08:48
Sweetpea from Somewhere about 6years ago said:
Hello Peter, The Spruce Goose was a plane in connection with Howard Hughes. It only made one flight but is famous for the history. - I lived in Oz. many years and know these big birds well. Like lumbering planes...like the Spruce Goose. :)
Peter Stokes from Melbourne about 6years ago said:
Hi Sweetpea, I don't know what a Spruce Goose is, but yes, they sure do like lamp posts here in Australia too.I have a whole series of photos of pelicans sitting on them in my pelicans gallery on my web site.
Sweetpea from Sacramento about 6years ago said:
They always remind me of the Spruce Goose when they fly along. They like to decorate the lamp posts along the harbour, don't they Peter? - What a bird, what a beak! :)
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