Nature Pic of the Day - 20191207 - Post Thanksgiving Dinner on Fire Island, NY
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December 7, 2019: Post Thanksgiving Dinner on Fire Island, NY
Deer on Fire Island, NY
Credit & Copyright: HowieG from Central MA
Post Thanksgiving Dinner on Fire Island, NY: A small herd of deer enjoy Thanksgiving leftovers on Fire Island, New York.

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2019-12-08 09:39:25
Nate from NPOD HQ about 5years ago said:
Renee pointed out a hidden, sixth deer in the photo. It is behind and in the shadow of the one in the forefront. Good spotting, Renee!
Nate from NPOD HQ about 5years ago said:
I see 5 in the picture.
Howie from New England about 5years ago said:
The buck is off camera to the left. All told, there were about a dozen in the area.
Renee from PA about 5years ago said:
You could do a How Many Deer Are In This Photo contest - some are hidden!!
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