Nature Pic of the Day - 20081028 - Koosah Falls
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October 28, 2008: Koosah Falls
Gorgeous professional photograph of Koosah Falls in Oregon.
Credit & Copyright: Garry Liddell from Oregon
Koosah Falls: Garry Liddell from Oregon submitted this gorgeous picture of Koosah Falls on the McKenzie River in Oregon. Garry raced the oncoming night to get this picture. The rich colors of the foliage contrast beautifully with the pure, cascading falls.

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2008-11-13 15:01:20
Bella from Somewhere about 16years ago said:
ngantu2002@yahoo.com from Africa/Cameroon about 16years ago said:
I can't take my eyes of it. It is absolutely beautiful.
Franciku78@gmail from Jogjakarta about 16years ago said:
Wow... really great...
Hutch from Salem, OR about 16years ago said:
Damn good shot MAN!!! I didn't know you had it in ya!!! Your friend, The Hutchmeister......
Garry Liddell from Oregon about 16years ago said:
javad, it is a picture. It is exactely as I took it with no post camera adjustments. It does look like a painting, but I'm here to confirm it is not, it is the incredibly beautiful McKenzie river !
javad from iran about 16years ago said:
is it really a picture?or a painting!
Steelhead77 from Oregon about 16years ago said:
Great shot! It looks like a painting
Rickster from BendCamp about 16years ago said:
I want one too!!!
liane from montana about 16years ago said:
Very Beautiful, it looks surreal and ethrical. The water pooling at the bottom of the falls has tremendous energy.
Nav from Folsom about 16years ago said:
Damn fine picture!
Partha from Chennai, India about 16years ago said:
sonienichson from t610 about 16years ago said:
sweta from kolkata about 16years ago said:
oh god u r great
swetakshi from lucknow about 16years ago said:
this is how our nature looks like
rahul from Somewhere about 16years ago said:
that is the natures beauty
rahul from Somewhere about 16years ago said:
parijat from india about 16years ago said:
Amazing! Beautiful. Lovely.Just great photography. Like nature is giving a bouquet of flower to princess of watery lady.
candice from cayman islands about 16years ago said:
wow....I absolutely love this picture...love waterfalls...
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